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Nutherm International provides dedication services for commercial-grade components intended for service in safety-related systems at nuclear power plants and DOE sites. Commercial grade dedication services are provided in accordance with EPRI NP-5652 guidelines and the appropriate ANSI/IEEE/ASME standards. Our dedication services include verification of acceptability through testing for a new batch of commercial grade items, establishing similarity between a new batch and a previously dedicated or qualified batch, or simply verifying a particular critical characteristic depending on the customer’s needs.


Nutherm’s dedication techniques range from basic testing, such as verifying capacitance of capacitors or verifying pick-up and drop-out voltages of contactors, to material identification through infrared spectroscopy. Nutherm maintains a large library of test specimens and qualification reports on commonly used components. These specimens and reports frequently allow rapid verification of similarity such that short turn-around response to utility needs is possible.

© 2024 Nutherm International, Inc.

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